mina meetings

Teaching women confidence, communication skills and how to negotiate for themselves.

mina meetings

"Mina has a keen understanding of the unique challenges we face as women and with immense compassion, gives us the confidence, the courage and the means with which to attain our dreams! Thank you Mina!”

Alma Lovaton Quagliato LMFT | Founding Director of The Counseling Group

"Courage. Confidence. Compassion." in white script on a black background.
Geometric floral pattern with white and teal petals on dark background

Your mental health matters. Mina meetings is trauma informed with the process being one that supports you and your nervous system in a healthy way. 

"TRAUMA AND SOMATICS Certified" text on black background.
"Where structure meets freedom" text in pink.

How it works

  • mina meetings

    Monthly meeting

    Monthly meeting - Once a month we meet live on Zoom and Mina will teach a specific skill that you will be able to use immediately in your life. The workshop is interactive with Mina teaching, and a workbook for you to answer questions while you are in the workshop.

  • mina meetings

    Action Items

    At the end of the meeting there will be an action item that Mina will assign and you get to choose how you want to accomplish it that month. The action items are designed so that you are able to accomplish them and also live the rest of your life. We have moms with 3 children and careers that are still able to accomplish the action items as well as entrepreneurs who are building businesses.

  • mina meetings

    Weekly Q&A Call

    If you are working on your action items you are going to have questions! Every week we have a Q&A call where you can ask Mina whatever you would like. She will coach you through the question. The calls are recorded so you can listen to them if you are not able to make it live.

  • mina meetings


    Every month at the meeting you will have the chance to share what happened with your action item. This is an opportunity to either celebrate or learn what you’ll do differently next. Success is not linear and as you go through the program you’ll start to notice the action items adding up and creating success in areas you didn’t even expect!

  • mina meetings


    There’s something amazing about having a group of women together who all want to create something wonderful in their lives. As Mina often says, one of your biggest s aha’s will most likely come, not from her, but one of the other women in the group.”

Life has so much to offer and at mina meetings we teach you what to focus on so you can create a life that you can look back on and be incredibly proud of.

  • Pink bullseye icon with an arrow hitting the center and stars around it on a white background.

    How to break down your goals and avoid overwhelm and feeling behind.

  • Pink checkmark in a circle above five stars on a white background.

    How to give yourself permission to do the things you truly want and set yourself up for success.

  • Pink circular arrow with an "X" inside on a white background.

    Eliminate or radically reduce the primary distractions in your life.

  • Pink dollar sign with circular arrows icon indicating money flow or transaction.

    How to approach your money making goals based on the reality of where you are today.

  • Abstract heart and figures logo in pink on white background.

    How to be present with yourself and others.

  • Pink three-way directional arrow on white background

    How to make decisions confidently without second guessing yourself.

Mina Meetings promotional text highlighting benefits for individuals feeling stuck, overwhelmed by decision fatigue, struggling with goal completion, wanting habit formation, seeking financial growth aligned with values, and self-discovery.

Your dreams are waiting.

  • Smiling woman with blonde hair wearing a floral blouse and pearl earrings against a yellow background.

    I wanted to take my business to another level, however, I also ended up being a better mom. Being in the meeting was like peeling an onion. I’ve learned to be compassionate with myself. I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy change. I'm a better listener now.

    And now I have a beautiful relationship with my daughter, who by the way, also attended the meetings.”

    It has been my life before and after the mina meetings."

    Silvana Herrera

  • A woman with long dark hair, bangs, and a nose ring, wearing an off-the-shoulder top, with a floral tattoo on her shoulder.

    “Upon experiencing the first “I am awesome!” I thought, “Okay this is incredibly cheesy and possibly... too cheesy for me.” What I didn't expect was that saying “I am awesome” with a group of women would be just so impactful and how doing so would make my day- actually, make my whole month.

    I get to share my world, and get to listen to the world of so many amazing awesome women and that I get to be part of a group, no - part of a family that is led by such an incredible person and possibly the kindest person I've ever known.”

    Anna Xiques

  • Smiling woman with long hair sitting indoors at a restaurant

    As someone who has always been a hard worker, working sometimes 60-80 hours a week, taking time off and practicing self-care was something that did not come naturally for me.

    Through my action items in mina meetings I was able to prioritize self-care and started doing a monthly spa day for myself.

    What is also amazing is that, although I was taking care of myself, it wasn’t affecting my work negatively. In fact, using my action items to focus on my performance at work changed how I showed up at work so much that my boss came to me and gave me a $10,000 raise!"

    Rose Josic


  • Have you ever told yourself you can get something done in a weekend but 8 months later it still hasn’t happened?

    One of the biggest reasons that I see that people don’t accomplish their goals is that they don’t give themselves the appropriate time and space to accomplish the goal WHILE also living the rest of their life.

    If we have never done something we probably don’t have an accurate account of what it will take to get the job done. In meeting once a month we prepare you to approach your goal and then you have the month to accomplish it in the way that suits your style.

  • Mina meetings are designed to mimic real life. Part of success in life is showing up enough to move the needle forward. It is recommended you attend every single meeting to maximize your success in the program. With that said emergencies come up so you are allowed to miss 2 meetings and still graduate. If you miss 3 or more you are allowed to continue participating however you will not graduate.

  • Part of the magic of mina meetings is that it is Live! There is no recording as the program is meant to be experienced in real time.

  • As a bonus there is a Q&A call every week. This is a chance for you to ask any questions you have and Mina will coach you. Calls are recorded and posted the next morning at 6 a.m. in case you are not able to make it.